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Under the menu item Press you will find current press reports and publications by Ursula Klein Kost & Körper.
Mens sana in corpore sano...
...this is Latin and means translated: "A healthy mind (lives) in a healthy body". First the health is improved, then a good attitude to life comes by itself. One can extend, extend and intensify the good attitude towards life through targeted measures, e.g. through targeted exercise or sport. The body is not designed to rest on cloud seven, but has a noble, excellently suitable set of locomotion possibilities. To preserve these, to use them correctly and thus to give the body what it needs, so that it gives us what we need and love, namely health, mobility, enjoyment and fitness, is a piece of culture. We humans are cultural beings.
The body always strives for homeostasis (= balance, well-being). A hungry baby screams. If it gets what it desires, it is quiet. Hence: breastfeeding. His first word Mama is mamma = the mother's breast (Latin) = soft pressing of the lips and exhaling the breath, hard produces Papa. When Mama says it, the good fairy comes, the all-supplier, who brings everything back into the good. By the way: the man's breast is called pectus.
Our health begins with the supply of the body, i.e. nutrition. Nutrition should always be as natural as possible. Nature offers us an abundance of food that contains everything that our body, capable of high performance, needs to maintain it. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, water and much more are made for digestion in the human body. Also the pleasure must not be missing here. Chocolate, for example, is a wonderful stimulant that does not harm humans in the right composition and in the right dosage. Of course, there are a number of other stimulants, in which the human being, even if only in moderation, can experience pleasure, which in turn leads to a sense of well-being. It does not always have to be much or even too much.
How you can run away from depression in the truest sense of the word!
An excellent and absolutely side-effect-free remedy for depression is physical exercise. Walking, running or other sports activities improve your mood considerably! Research results have shown that regular physical exercise alone can alleviate or even overcome depression. During physical activity - and performance plays a rather subordinate role here - negative thoughts are usually lost, and you are first freed from the oppressive thoughts for the time of movement. Movement directs concentration away from current events towards physical exertion. The release of the body's own opiates through sport creates a feeling of happiness. This also applies to slow movements.
In addition, the physical activity provides a natural relaxation and fatigue, which in turn lead to a better sleep and more recovery. Physical exercise also helps you to feel that you can make a lasting difference. You can recharge your batteries and at the same time get light outdoors. Both are important factors that additionally brighten the mood. No matter whether you decide for walks, walking, jogging or gardening, the effect follows on your feet!
Make sure that you exercise at least 3 times a week in the fresh air for 30 minutes!
PS: Exercise is also an effective remedy for burnout syndrome!
How you can tell that your running shoe is worn out!
Unfortunately (or luckily) there is no best before date for running shoes. However, there is a rule of thumb that says that running shoes should be replaced after 1000 training kilometres or one to two years at the latest. However, many do not reach these kilometres for various reasons.
If the user of the shoe is taller or heavier than the average runner, he also exposes his shoe to a higher load, which in turn promotes wear. Even very fast runners or those who use their shoes not only on the treadmill, but also or only in the great outdoors and on various surfaces, consume their shoes faster. People who have a deformity such as overpronation, which affects the rolling of the shoe, also wear their shoes faster because the punctual load is stronger than the distributed load.
Now there are certain signs that a shoe, even if it has not been run so many kilometres, no longer meets the requirements. Take a closer look at your shoe. If it has wrinkles in the midsole that can no longer disappear, this indicates that the cushioning system is only effective to a limited extent. Deformations, wrinkles and cracks in the upper material are further indications as well as the one-sided wear of the outsole. If you experience unfamiliar pain while running, such as hardened calf muscles, knee pain or even headaches, then this may be an indication that the shoes are in use. Place your shoe on a table and look at its symmetry. Is it still straight or is the sole (one-sided) worn or worn?
Running shoes are unfortunately a small investment. It's annoying if you find that your shoe, hardly used, can no longer be used for age reasons or for one of the other reasons mentioned above. Buy a new running shoe and learn from it to really use this shoe in the future: several times a week, more or less fast, but in any case with a lot of pleasure in movement!
Pain in the knee during training is avoidable!
The knee is the articulated connection between the thigh and lower leg. It is the largest joint in the human body and is constantly in use. Whether we want to walk, stand, cycle, climb stairs, sit down or get up from lying down: The mobility in the leg enables us to perform these movements relatively easily through the use of the knee joints.
However, it is precisely these movements that become problematic and painful if there are previous health problems in the knee. Such preloads exist in numerous variations, and not all are without chances of recovery. Prevention, however, is the best remedy.
Damage to the knee is caused by accidents, overloading, incorrect loading and everyday wear and tear. The fact is, however, that the knee joints in particular are frequently used "incorrectly" by almost every adult on a daily basis and are muscularly underdeveloped.
For example, hardly anyone pays attention in everyday life to the fact that when they bend down, the angle in the knee is not less than 80 degrees and the knee is not pushed beyond the tip of the foot. This creates a high pressure, which virtually pushes the thigh over the lower leg. Athletes in particular should pay attention to this when bending their knees or lunging.
Also, many people tend to lead the knees inwards when they go into the knees. The result is an X-leg look that not only limits the radius of movement, but also exerts incorrect pressure on the inside of the knees and causes pain.
When kneeling, the joints should always be led outwards. The correct posture for this starts in the foot. The foot should be shoulder-wide or slightly wider and slightly rotated outwards. The knees are also rotated outwards. This creates a tension in the gluteus (gluteus maximus), whereby the subsequent knee flexion not only takes place in the natural orbits, but also through the "response" of the leg and gluteus muscles in consolidated orbits.
People who otherwise have pain in their knees during sport can suddenly be relieved of pain by this small change alone.
In addition, you can stabilize your knees by using proprioceptor training, also known as coordination training. This type of training is exercises done on tilting boards, airtex mats, sand and other more or less soft surfaces.
As an untrained beginner it is best to start on a mat with weighing movements. Also here the knees should be stretched and there should be a possibility to hold on. If you have more experience, a balancing act on a swimming noodle can effectively address your deep muscles and train them in such a way that your risk of injury is reduced and the signs of fatigue do not appear until later in sport.
If you have already been diagnosed with pain or injury, you should first consult a doctor before starting the various exercises.
Sport and exercise for cancer!
Many people affected underestimate the positive effect of exercise and sport on cancer. In this case, exercise was previously considered risky, but today it is scientifically proven that exercise and sport can positively influence the course of this disease.
Instead of causing metastases or aggravating the disease, exercise and sport do the organism good, even strengthening the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system, not forgetting that exercising can bring worry-stricken people to other thoughts, greatly improving the overall mood. The body is always concerned about homeostasis. That is where sports activities, exercise in general, are always helpful. The chronic fatigue syndrome, which often affects cancer patients, can also be counteracted in moderation by exercising. All these positive influences of more or less intensive activity will lead to a regain of your self-confidence, as you will find that you can make your own contribution to a healthier life and to dealing with your illness in everyday life.
Since it has now been proven that exercise and sport have such a positive influence on the mental and physical condition of those affected, it is recommended that you start at the acute clinic. Of course it is very important to consider the degree of the illness and the condition of the patient. He should neither be under- nor overstrained and needs regular breaks. A trainer should make sure that breathing remains even despite exertion, rest periods are observed and a sufficient supply of fluid during the exercises is guaranteed.
Not only every person is an individual, but also every illness and its course are individual. It is therefore essential to tailor the exercise therapy to each individual patient and to start as early as possible. As already mentioned above, however, it is important to find the right measure. A walk, a small round by bike or a walk to the playground with the grandchildren can have a positive effect. If you then feel fitter, you can gradually increase your fitness with every activity.
Already in the 80's sports groups were founded, which are especially aimed at cancer patients. Here affected people find contact to people with the same or similar fate and can exchange experiences and information with others. This enables them to reduce their social isolation at the same time. In the group a feeling of togetherness quickly develops, and each individual can experience fun and joy again.
But not everyone wants to train in the group, feels comfortable there and seeks exchange with those affected in the same way. Also the care in the group is less individual and cannot be tailored to the needs and the mental and physical condition of the individual. For these people it is advisable to hire a personal trainer. In personal training there is usually a one-to-one support during which the client can completely rely on the trainer. She takes care of the right level of activity, motivates, if necessary, controls the execution of the different exercises and makes the training varied and interesting. What is good for the body always has a positive effect on the mental well-being. Often a personal fitness trainer becomes a confidante during the time of the care.
Find out what is best for you, what does you good and makes you happy!
Until then, I wish you a healthy time!
Ursula Klein
From enjoyment and the health-promoting effect
Since time immemorial, there are contradictory statements about coffee enjoyment - sometimes he should be healthy then unhealthy again. And today…?
Continue to drink your beloved espresso or coffee, because according to the current state of research was again the assumption that coffee withdraw the body water not confirmed. Other, even health promoting effects were found and are presented here in detail once.
Coffee stimulates the circulatory system and the digestion due to the caffeine and helps to reduce fatigue in the case of low blood pressure. The blood vessels are dilated, the heartbeat is increased and the circulation of all organs (including the brain) is improved.
You may even have noticed the effect yourself, that about 30 - 45 minutes after enjoying your coffee, the concentration is improved and you feel more alert and receptive.
According to studies, the best effect is obtained by drinking the caffeine dose in small amounts throughout the day. Although an espresso has less caffeine than a coffee, this small dose is enough to activate blood circulation and is gentler on the stomach due to the longer and stronger roasting of the beans, which reduces acidity.
The short preparation time of the espresso influences the positive acid result and makes it more digestible than filter coffee. Many drink espresso for relaxation. Some even fall asleep well after enjoying the black, velvety drink! However, you should hurry to bed, because when the caffeine contained unfolds its effect, again affects the above-described, stimulating effect.
Espresso can be enjoyed anytime, anytime, and many people turn their backs on it in the evening to find their well-deserved and so important restful sleep. On the other hand, he finishes a nice meal wonderfully and also stimulates the digestion. Conclusion: Espresso may be considered healthier, because it contains less caffeine and the stomach irritating substances, but should be avoided in the evening rather than to negatively influence the sleep.
Cholesterol and the legends spun around it...
Cholesterol is one of the substances of which almost every adult has heard something and in the vast majority of cases has even been warned about.
But what is cholesterol, where does it come from and why is it so often and intensively warned of by doctors, industry and the media?
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that occurs in nature in both animal and plant organisms. The human organism also contains cholesterol. Not because it is ingested with food (such as eggs), but because the body produces it itself. Every single body cell can do that. Cholesterol is not as negative a substance as many think, it is a vital substance, which is produced by the body itself in order to use it for the construction of an elastic, stretchable cell membrane or for the formation of bile salts. Cholesterol is also used as a building block in the brain, and not in small quantities. Without cholesterol our sex hormones estrogen and testosterone cannot be produced, nor can the body's own cortisones, steroids, adrenalin or vitamin D. Also as an antioxidant, cholesterol fulfils another very important function and offers protection against free radicals in the body which are responsible for cancer, stroke or heart attack.
Conversely, this means that cholesterol protects against these vascular-damaging substances. Cholesterol levels can even be understood as a warning signal for the body, because increased cholesterol levels can be an indication of increased radical stress. This is why it is suspected that cholesterol levels are often elevated, especially in older people.
A person's life also begins with a high dose of cholesterol if it is fed naturally. Breast milk contains 25 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 ml. According to a study, breastfed or bottle-fed children have better blood lipid values during puberty than those raised with infant formula.
But if cholesterol plays a subordinate role in food and the body adapts its own production to food intake, i.e. creates a balance, what is the reason for elevated cholesterol levels?
The body's own cholesterol production can be stimulated by insulin. This means that carbohydrate-rich food has a much more negative influence on cholesterol levels than fat- and cholesterol-rich but low-carbohydrate foods.
Insulin secreted by the pancreas activates enzymes that play a key role in the production of cholesterol. Cholesterol is mainly produced in the liver, skin and digestive tract.
The often recommended low-carbohydrate diet has another aspect which makes it so well tolerated by humans - provided, of course, that there is no medical reason to increase the intake of carbohydrates.
Serotonin, also known as happiness hormone, brings us reliably good mood!
Serotonin is a hormone which is released in the brain and triggers a feeling of happiness. The hormone also has a regulating effect on the cardiovascular system, appetite and mood. That sounds really good, you certainly think now, but how can you promote the release?
The most beautiful and comfortable way is sunbathing. The sun's rays are absorbed through the eyes, which then trigger the release of the happiness hormone serotonin in the brain. Sun, warmth and light are also very good against depression and melancholy. In case of a psychotic depression it is recommended to get up early and move in the fresh air in order to get the feelings of happiness going again! Especially jogging long distances raises the serotonin level.
But not only sunbathing and sports can positively influence the serotonin level. The enjoyment of chocolate, especially dark chocolate, also makes the serotonin level climb to a pleasant level.
This has different backgrounds, because not only the serotonin produced by the chocolate itself helps to feel happy, but also the enjoyment of the chocolate itself:
Divide a bar of chocolate into individual pieces. Sit comfortably with a cup of coffee or tea at your favourite place and enjoy the chocolate piece by piece. Let the chocolate melt on your tongue, feel the melting of the chocolate of your choice and enjoy the velvety smooth finish of every single piece of chocolate - feel how your mood lifts lastingly.
When buying chocolate, pay attention to quality and ingredients so that the pleasurably achieved feeling of happiness is preserved for a long time to come.
Further serotonin suppliers are bananas, pineapples or walnuts. Also protein-rich foods ensure a good mood and not only, as previously assumed, a good figure, because the protein building material tryptophan ensures that our brain produces serotonin.
Unfortunately, the serotonin level can also be negatively influenced. The consumption of raffinades, medicines, alcohol or nicotine etc. unfortunately causes the serotonin level to drop.
A post about this topic was posted on 1Live on 08.07.2012.
Magnesium deficiency can cause symptoms such as muscle or body cramps, irritability, fatigue, dizziness or even depression.
The mineral that is important for these conditions can be found in the body fluids in an amount of about 20-30 g. The mineral can also be found in the body fluids. However, with this small amount it plays an important role in many processes in the body.
Magnesium helps build muscles and nerves, reduce blood cholesterol, maintain and repair cells, and relieve hypertension. As it has a calming effect on the nerves, it is also considered an anti-stress mineral. Magnesium is involved in many other processes in the body where it interacts with other minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium or phosphorus to affect body functions.
The causes of magnesium deficiency can be complex: However, these can often be easily corrected by the body itself. It is not uncommon for less magnesium to be consumed with the daily diet. A resorption disorder (disease of the gastrointestinal tract) can also be a cause of the disturbance in the magnesium balance.
Athletes, competitive athletes, but also people who frequently produce a lot of sweat while performing their professional activities (even a sweaty holiday can have consequences for the magnesium balance), have an increased need for magnesium. In addition, psychological and physical stress or the intake of dehydrating or laxative drugs and the use of preparations containing cortisone are considered disturbing factors. High alcohol consumption, increased calcium and protein intake (this is particularly important for the followers of the LowCarb diet) and a lack of B vitamins also reduce the magnesium content in serum.
But how can you maintain magnesium levels for your daily needs in a healthy way?
Basically, the intake of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other vital and health-preserving substances through a balanced diet is always recommended. If this is not sufficient due to a higher consumption due to the factors mentioned above, a dietary supplement or magnesium preparation can be used.
Foods that contain magnesium per 100g:
approx. 500 mg wheat bran
approx. 420 mg Sunflower seeds
approx. 400 mg Brazil nuts
approx. 260 mg Almonds
approx. 245 mg soy flour
approx. 240 mg Cashews
approx. 240 mg wheat germs
approx. 160 mg Barley, rice
approx. 155 mg Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts
approx. 090 mg chocolate
approx. 090 mg wholemeal wheat bread
approx. 075 mg Lenses
approx. 070 mg Figs
approx. 060 mg Spinach
0.2l of a magnesium-rich mineral water contain approx. 60 mg magnesium.
The daily requirement of an adult man is 350-400 mg magnesium, that of a non-pregnant or breastfeeding woman 300-350 mg. (Source: Burgerstein's Handbook of Nutrients)
Magnesium uptake can be improved by the intake of potassium. Many preparations contain magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium in a sensible composition.