Personal Training Köln - Ursula Klein - Kost & Körper

50767 · Köln
Tel.: +49 1637767016

Health management as a holistic concept

Health management

Health management is a holistic concept for restoring or maintaining health by influencing learned eating habits and established movement patterns.

As a specialist for operational health management, I offer companies the opportunity to identify and analyse workplace-related health hazards and to derive target-oriented health promotion measures for their employees. This also includes planning, organising and coordinating the measures.

The health factor plays a role not to be underestimated for productivity and thus also for competitiveness. A clever and future-oriented corporate policy invests early and regularly in company health promotion and uses it as a strategic instrument to promote the health of employees and thus maintain their performance.

Secure the future of your company and invest in the health of your employees. Implement company health management in your company and benefit from sustainable change to promote the health of all employees.

The reduction of work-related health stress, the trust in company health measures and the sustainable implementation of these lead inevitably to a health effect from which you and your employees will benefit in the future.

-> Use your tax advantage!

Invest in your future. Invest in your company.

Kost & Körper Ursula Klein

50767 Köln

Phone: +49 1637767016
Cell phone: WA +49 1635686213

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